One of the most infamous assaults in Operation Overlord, the taking of Pointe du Hoc provided an essential position for Allied forces to solidify their foothold in France. Located atop a 100-foot cliff, the German defenses had a perfect artillery placement to fire on American forces invading at Omaha and Utah beaches. It was up to Lt. Col. James E. Rudder and the 2nd Ranger battalion to climb the monstrous cliffs and capture the German artillery units. Despite excruciating casualties, the Rangers captured the guns and defended them for two days. When they were finally relieved by Allied forces, just 90 of the initial 225 Rangers still stood combat ready.
The WWII Pointe du Hoc US Army Ranger minifig features 360° UV printed Normandy assault gear, Ranger sleeve insignia, and 2nd Battalion Rangers emblem on the M1 Steel Pot Helmet from BrickArms®. This minifig was designed by Lando and custom printed at Brickmania HQ.

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