The Desert Storm Royal Marines minifig features, first and foremost, a historically accurate 1990's mustache and shades. Gear consists of a brand new 3D printed Mk 6 helmet with printed desert DPM camo, 1958 pattern webbing and gear, and a desert DPM uniform and combat body armor. Arm you minifig with a BrickArms L85A1 to complete the package!
Brickmania custom minifigures feature detailed, historically accurate uniforms and high-quality UV printing as well as cutting edge gear and weaponry. Brickmania minifigures are made in small batches and are priced to reflect the amount of time and money we put into each one. All custom minifigures are designed using original artwork by Minifigure Artist Landon Reimer at the Brickmania HQ in Minneapolis, MN.
This is not a LEGO® Product. LEGO and the LEGO minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this product. The LEGO Group is not liable for any loss, injury or damage arising from the use or misuse of this product.